What is a baby dedication?
Here at Refuge City we believe children are a gift from the LORD and that we should always value and treasure them.
We also believe that a baby dedication is an opportunity for parents to thank God for the child that He has blessed them with. Parents use this as an opportunity to bless their child and declare that they will raise him/her to honour God. This is usually done in the presence of family and friends as well as the church community.
Why is a baby dedication important?
During the dedication, parents declare their commitment and desire to raise their child in a way that is pleasing to the Lord and according to scripture. Dedicating one's child to the Lord is dedicating your child and parenting to the Lord for Him to lead and guide you in the process. When parents dedicate their children to the Lord, they are declaring Deuteronomy 6:4-7 and vowing to uphold the standards of the Lord in their daily lives and pass those standards on to their children.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
How can we help?
At Refuge City Pentecostal, we provide a vibrant Sunday School ministry that engages our children at every level, ensuring that they have godly examples as they go through life. We also provide prayer, counselling and home bible studies that are here to support parents in their endeavours.
If you are interested in having your baby dedicated to the Lord, click and complete the form below and we will contact you. If you any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at 905-427-6922.